Better Living with Belle


You are what you eat. An idea humans often forget about as they scurry about their increasingly complex and time consumed lives. For a lot of people in the high-stress oil industry, shoveling anything with calories into our mouths to get back to work quickly is a common practice.

Shutting up that “I’m hungry” sensation that keeps work going slow can often lead to unhealthy choices for the sake of convenience. Although this may get the work done quickly, the impact it can have not only on health but the quality of work. Belinda O’Dell wants to help.

Since early adulthood, Belinda struggled with not feeling quite right. She seemed to be in inexplicable pain and suffered stomach issues that the doctors couldn’t quite seem to pinpoint. After years of self medicating to deal with the unhappiness of how she felt, Belinda heard a doctor on a podcast that had a different approach. Dr. Mark Hyman gained his degree in medicine from the University of Ottawa and preaches a simplistic diet rich in vegetables, fruit and unprocessed meats. Hyman was the inspiration for Belinda to try making her gut happy so she could be happy, and it worked.

As a graduate of the Institute of Integrated Nutrition, a program certified by the National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching, Belinda has become a master of managing her own gut health. She has had such success that she wants to help others who may be struggling to figure out why they don’t feel quite right either. Her business Better Living with Belle helps people manage life altering dietary changes and keep to their dietary plans to maximize the effect.

Now, nothing can replace modern medicine and the advances that have been made are truly extraordinary; but doctors don’t always have time to help people make tweaks and alterations to their health habits to live their best lives. Doctors are there to diagnose, treat immediate and life threatening ailments and heal the sick and wounded; they aren't there to give you personalized service or give you emotional support. That’s where Belinda comes in. She uses her education and individual research to help her clients with the day to day questions that come with changing everything about your life, starting from within.

Not every person needs the same level of support, however. Some need a simple and short education on how the foods they eat affect their body, some need a full revamp of their eating lifestyle. Whatever the needs, Belinda wants to help people on this journey so they can have the joy-inflicting and sometimes life-saving experience of knowing what foods will help them most. Gut health has been correlated to emotional and mental well being in many reputable studies. The National Library of Medicine carries many of these studies in gastroenterology, gut bacteria, and hepatology which has drawn many doctors and patients looking for less hard core pharmaceutical solutions for daily treatments. If something as simple as eating the right things could change someone’s entire outlook on life, why not try it?

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