Reader Submissions Form

Thank you for your interest in contributing to our publication! All article, poetry, fiction, & art submissions will be attributed to you, but become the property of Vocella, Inc. upon submission. Not all submissions will be published. This is at the discretion of Vocella, Inc. Plagiarism is not only strictly prohibitted, but illegal, so be sure to attribute any quotes or information to your sources. Likewise, do not submit copyrighted images unless you own the copyright.

Contact Info

Please fill in your first and last name as you would like it to appear on your byline. We currently are not accepting anonymous submissions. We ask for your contact information for office use if we have questions or need to get in contact with you. Emails and phone numbers will not be published.

Submission Information

Article Titles may be changed at the editor's discrection, but please give a clear headline so we know the subject of the article you are submitting.

Additional Images

If your submission has (additional) images that accompany it, please be sure to upload them here - if they are attached on the document itself only, we cannot save them from there. Also be sure to add captions below!

If you have included images in your article, please be sure to caption them! Be sure to include who or what is in the photo, and photo attribution (for example, "Photo Submission, Jane Doe. Children at the Bread Fair learn how to knead dough."  
Image Captions